PERSONALITY GUIDES DIVERSITY Currently type related articles, internet posts, Chapter groups and type practitioners are asking the following question “Is there a correlation between certain types and a cognitive processing issue or a learning disability ?” For example it is often asked if ESTP’s may be diagnosed more often with ADHD than other types or […]
MAPPING the MIND: The Perfect Study Technique This is an exciting time to be a learner and an educator. Medical and scientific researchers have joined forces with education to give us a much more comprehensive understanding of the mind and how best to help our young people reach their full potential as learners. Medical/scientific researchers […] 21:23:242018-04-07 22:04:45The Perfect Study Technique: Mapping the Mind
Memory When asked about memory students will usually answer they have a good memory or a bad memory. When their parents or teachers are asked about the student’s memory they will invariably describe a good memory or a poor memory again, leaving it at that. To then pursue the discussion rarely takes us any deeper […]
Examination Stress NOTE: The above visual and the following quotes support with expert theoretical opinions what should be discussed in each section ( 1,2 or 3) 1 Active Involvement “…the rough truth holds up that people cannot keep track of very much unfamiliar information at any one time. The number of things that need attention […]
Challenging the Set Views of IQ “The classic theory of intelligence in its extreme form makes little room for learnable intelligence…To argue the case for learnable intelligence, one must challenge the classic theory” (Perkins p69) Many theorists and educators claim that intelligence is fixed, however even Binet, the father of IQ was cautious and so […] 18:55:312016-03-22 00:07:24Challenging the Set Views of IQ
It is important to share some of the new educational theory that is always in evidence, with our parents , so they understand we remain current but that they also understand which trends we embrace and which trends, professionally, we have concerns about. Parents are often so well read on many education related subjects but […] 14:10:492016-04-25 17:14:17Limitless Power of the Mind
Personality Guides Diversity
/0 Comments/in Assessment, Personality Preferences /by sutherlandPERSONALITY GUIDES DIVERSITY Currently type related articles, internet posts, Chapter groups and type practitioners are asking the following question “Is there a correlation between certain types and a cognitive processing issue or a learning disability ?” For example it is often asked if ESTP’s may be diagnosed more often with ADHD than other types or […]
The Perfect Study Technique: Mapping the Mind
/0 Comments/in Assessment, Parents /by sutherlandMAPPING the MIND: The Perfect Study Technique This is an exciting time to be a learner and an educator. Medical and scientific researchers have joined forces with education to give us a much more comprehensive understanding of the mind and how best to help our young people reach their full potential as learners. Medical/scientific researchers […]
/0 Comments/in Assessment, Brain Based Acquisition /by sutherlandMemory When asked about memory students will usually answer they have a good memory or a bad memory. When their parents or teachers are asked about the student’s memory they will invariably describe a good memory or a poor memory again, leaving it at that. To then pursue the discussion rarely takes us any deeper […]
Exam Stress
/0 Comments/in Assessment /by sutherlandExamination Stress NOTE: The above visual and the following quotes support with expert theoretical opinions what should be discussed in each section ( 1,2 or 3) 1 Active Involvement “…the rough truth holds up that people cannot keep track of very much unfamiliar information at any one time. The number of things that need attention […]
Challenging the Set Views of IQ
/0 Comments/in Assessment /by sutherlandChallenging the Set Views of IQ “The classic theory of intelligence in its extreme form makes little room for learnable intelligence…To argue the case for learnable intelligence, one must challenge the classic theory” (Perkins p69) Many theorists and educators claim that intelligence is fixed, however even Binet, the father of IQ was cautious and so […]
Limitless Power of the Mind
/0 Comments/in Assessment, Parents /by sutherlandIt is important to share some of the new educational theory that is always in evidence, with our parents , so they understand we remain current but that they also understand which trends we embrace and which trends, professionally, we have concerns about. Parents are often so well read on many education related subjects but […]